Conscious Sedation

A technique that utilizes oral medicine to block any pain and relax you during dental procedures.  Most people are groggy enough that they fall asleep, but will respond and awaken with a gentle shake. The medications can make you so comfortable that you may not even remember the visit.

Why is it needed?

If anxiety and the fear of going to a dentist actually prevents you from making that appointment, conscious sedation might be a great option for you. Those who have low thresholds of pain, sensitive teeth or suffer from severe gag reflex tend to be better candidates for sedation.

Who is a candidate for conscious sedation?

Most of our patients are good candidates for conscious sedation.  We will review your health and medical history and perform an assessment to determine if this service is recommended for you.

What happens during the conscious sedation process?

We will prescribe a medication to be taken prior to your appointment. You will arrive driven by a friend or relative and assisted to the dental operatory by wheelchair. You are conscious but relaxed. We will begin work and you may drift in and out of sleep. Continual monitoring of heart rate, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate and blood pressure occurs during the entire procedure. You will be gently awakened if needed as we work carefully to restore you to dental health.

Recovery from conscious sedation:

Whoever accompanied you to office will receive post-operative instructions and take you home, it is recommended that they stay with you for some of the side effects: drowsiness, slow reflexes and amnesia can go on for a better part of the day. DO NOT engage in any strenuous physical activity or operate any machinery. Avoid driving, drinking alcohol or making any major decisions for at least 24 hours following sedation. You should be able to resume everyday activities the next day.